We survived May-cember! Any of you mom’s know exactly what I mean. End of the year is overwhelming with homework, final projects, tests, parties and teacher appreciation. Add in some graduations and it’s just frantic- Summer is a welcome change of pace. 

G at Camp

For us, the start of Summer means the Grove kiddos are off to camp. The trunks are packed  with two weeks of clothing, sleeping bags and plenty of bug spray. We carefully collage the interior lids with memories from home, photos of family, friends, family pets to keep the homesickness at bay…

Z at Camp

Checking-in the kiddos are overcome with an infectious excitement! The day is all about possibilities… cabin assignments and finding the perfect bunk, getting to know the counselors, seeing old friends and meeting new. After a flurry of activity it’s finally time to say good-bye, which is certainly harder for us than for them, and let their adventure begin. 

That being said please be certain while the kiddos are away the parents will play. If you’re looking for Emily you will have to head West as she will be living it up in Vail. Meredith is a straight shot up the Eastern seaboard to Watch Hill. Let’s hope its a great 2 weeks for everyone!