Our new space gave us plenty of ways to play with with paper, one of our most favorite design tools. There are so many amazing brands out there doing interesting things with pattern and texture.. the options are limitless!
For the main space we chose a Thibaut crocodile embossed light pink wall covering, which is complimentary to skin tones, easy on the eye and plays beautifully in all the natural light. The texture adds a bit of depth and whimsy.

The fitting rooms and office are adorned in Schumacher’s Seychelles wallpaper. The brightly plumed birds and lush tropical blooms set our heart a-flutter! The rainbow of colors coordinate well with the main space, too.

Which takes us too the loo...we I to play in a powder room, it’s a small contained space in your home, why not be bold, daring or downright wild?!? Wallpaper is up to the challenge and when you grow weary of it, it’s easily switched out. However in the store Emily decided to have some fun with bold tile choices, so she selected a more traditional paper to help add some balance, a lush green grass cloth was the perfect choice to ground our black and white tile and gold trim!